Christ Conscious & New Birth

More Videos by Emerson Ferrell

VOD 1049 EN - Reality

By: L. Emerson Ferrell

Changing what you believe requires trusting what you don’t see.
We base our knowledge of “reality” by our surroundings and what we perceive around us. Could our perceptions be wrong? Is it possible that true reality comes not from the physical world around us, but the invisible world beyond our five senses?

In this video, Emerson Ferrell explains how the information we use to perceive “reality” is coming from the wrong source.

VOD 5117 BL - Image and Likeness

By: L. Emerson Ferrell


The life we live on a daily basis seldom reflects reality. That is why Christ must change us into His image and likeness. The image that man is born into the earth with comes from the first Adam, where our senses become our god, and is what we call “I”. It is from this image that we create the world system we live in from our perceptions and beliefs. Jesus created us for His kingdom with Him being the Head. But because we have free will, we can choose what to believe, what is real and not real. We can live our life in a total make-believe world that we believe is real, trying to have security with the things of this physical realm. In this world’s system the controlling factor is fear, however, the truth is the fear is not real, and your spirit knows that.

The likeness God created man with is His character, and that likeness has its relationship with light. Jesus came to give us life and life abundantly. The light within you is determined by the abundance of life in you. There is no life or abundance without light. If your image and likeness doesn’t reflect light, it doesn’t matter what you say, because the spiritual realm is non-verbal.

Watch this video teaching from Emerson Ferrell and discover your true identity Your Heavenly Father created for you in Christ.

VOD 5112 BL - Principles for Transforming Our Mind

By: L. Emerson Ferrell

Jesus Christ is the Life and Light of men. Life only comes from the Light of Christ, who spoke the Word of the First Day. You are a spirit being, and not of this world’s system. When you identify with this world’s system, you lose your ability to live in the First Day Light. In the world’s system, there are all shades of gray when it comes to Truth, but there is only one Truth, which is by the Spirit of God because His name is the Spirit of Truth. If your spirit is connected to His Spirit, not only do you operate in Light, but you operate in Truth. This is the time when the Lord says, “How much of Me is in you? How much of the Light of the First Day is in you, and how much of the light of this world’s system is in you?” You can show that by how much you’re willing to surrender to Him. 

VOD 1002 EN - The Seventh Day

By: L. Emerson Ferrell

God’s greatest power is found hidden in the day He entered His rest. The seventh day is not a religious day of the week. It is the dimension where our works cease and everything God put in motion in His finished work is activated. 
The majority of people live trying to activate one thousand and one things to move God to do something for them or for the task He was called them to do. The train that takes us to everything that was already conquered stops before us constantly and invites us to come aboard, but the majority of people are so busy, they do not see it or hear it when it stops.

VOD 1003 EN - Revelation of Genesis

By: L. Emerson Ferrell


Follow along with Emerson Ferrell as he takes you from Genesis into the timeless revelation of Jesus and all creation. Learn the hidden secrets of sound, vibration, and faith, while discovering how these affect the visible and invisible realms. Your faith will be increased to Great Faith!

VOD 1013 EN - On That Day

By: L. Emerson Ferrell


Jesus is the Word of the Living God who used the language of this world to release the Kingdom of God upon this earth. Spiritual maturity comes as you recognize that Scripture is not the Word of God, but rather, the Word of God speaks through scripture. Scripture is not your authority, but your authority comes from The Word and your submission to Him. Examine your spiritual maturity as Emerson Ferrell takes you through the revelation God has given him about The Living Word?

VOD 1054 EN - Kingdom Conversion

By: L. Emerson Ferrell


Go into the depths of the Kingdom of Heaven and receive fresh revelation about “The Kingdom Conversion” in this new teaching by Emerson Ferrell. This is the same type of conversion experience by Peter and other believers of the early church who know the intimacies of Jesus. Learn how to experience this first hand and let “Your tomorrow begins now.”

VOD 1076 EN - Secrets of His Glory

By: L. Emerson Ferrell


Explore the Secrets of His Glory, those places in Christ prepared for you before the Foundation of The World.

VOD 2003 EN - Genesis to Revelation

By: L. Emerson Ferrell


The greatest desire of God is for men to discover Him as the righteousness, peace, and joy they are seeking. The kingdom of heaven was established on earth through Jesus to satisfy the heart of His Father. God’s kingdom is visible to those who are born in Christ, but it is invisible to those who remain in Adam.
Religion has constructed doctrines and theology describing the born-again experience. Jesus is both the visible and invisible manifestation of that birth. He was born of a virgin by the Spirit and is also the “water” He describes to Nicodemus.

VOD 3004 EN - Dimensions of Christ

By: L. Emerson Ferrell


Have you ever considered the difference between safety and security?  Most languages have only one word to describe the meaning. One can be secure by living in a prison, but that would not make you safe because your mind operates outside the physical realm. The world we create is designed to keep us secure, but safety is only achieved in God’s kingdom, not ours. This video will expose your spirit to that reality and much more through the words of Christ and His reality.

If these videos have blessed you